Proud Partner of NVIDIA DGX-Ready Software Program

Massive scale AI made possible with NVIDIA DGX & Shakudo Hyperplane
/ Use all the major machine learning and data engineering frameworks: Tensorflow, PyTorch, SciKit Learn, Pandas, Dask, Spark, Ray

/ Zero configuration to get your team up and running on NVIDIA DGX systems with Shakudo

/ Deploy your first machine learning workload with Shakudo on NVIDIA DGX systems in less than 5 minutes

/ Scale computation effortlessly while ensuring fair distribution of resources across jobs and users

/ Run jobs on a schedule or trigger them from an external orchestration system

/ Effortlessly spin up model serving endpoints with NVIDIA Triton Inference Server that autoscale with load

/ Reproduce failures accurately within seconds, and resolve production issues within minutes

/ Track granular usage metrics for chargeback attribution

Shakudo on Nvidia DGX Systems

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