
Use Case

Deploy AI-Powered Customer Service Agents for Support


Trusted By Industry Leaders

Revolutionizing Customer Support: AI-Driven Agents for Instant, Personalized Assistance

Shakudo enables organizations to deploy advanced AI-powered customer service agents, transforming support operations. This solution leverages cutting-edge technologies to provide instant, personalized assistance, significantly improving customer satisfaction while reducing operational costs.

  • Natural language understanding for accurate query interpretation and response generation
  • Real-time integration with knowledge bases and CRM systems for comprehensive support
  • Advanced analytics and monitoring for continuous improvement of agent performance
  • Recommended Data & AI Stack

    Elevate your customer support to new heights with AI-powered service agents. This solution dramatically reduces response times and increases first-contact resolution rates, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    LangChain orchestrates natural, context-aware conversations, while Llama 3, a large language model (LLM), powers advanced natural language understanding and generation. This allows the system to comprehend complex customer queries and generate human-like responses. Qdrant enables lightning-fast retrieval of relevant information, ensuring agents always have the right answers at their fingertips.

    Grafana dashboards offer real-time insights into agent performance and customer satisfaction, allowing for continuous improvement. MLflow manages the evolution of your AI models, while MinIO provides scalable storage for your growing knowledge base.

    The result is a support system that can handle a significantly higher volume of inquiries with greater accuracy and consistency than traditional methods. Manually integrating these technologies could take 3-6 months. Shakudo's platform allows you to deploy this advanced support system in a matter of days, quickly transforming your customer service capabilities.


    Driving Innovation Across Industries

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    | real estate

    "We chose Shakudo over alternatives because it gave us the flexibility to use the data stack components that fit our needs knowing that we can evolve the stack to keep up with the industry."

    Neal Gilmore

    Senior Vice President, Enterprise Data & Analytics
    @ QuadReal Property Group
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    | Healthcare

    "We use Shakudo to shorten development time and time to impact. The platform provides us with a value-added shortcut to get from Point A to Point Z much faster. It’s now weeks or months vs months and years."

    Chris Sullens

    CEO @ CentralReach
    Testimonial Image

    | climate Risk

    "With the help of the Shakudo platform, we were able to massively scale our production pipelines, while working collaboratively to meet our product goals."

    Andrew Wiebe

    Chief Science Officer @ RiskThinking.AI
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    | Digital Analytics

    "Almost overnight, Shakudo's product helped us move past many of those struggles so we could focus on solving business problems instead of scaling infrastructure."

    Adam Dille

    SVP of Product & Engineering @ Quantum Metric
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    | Energy

    "Not very often I find slam dunk products like Shakudo!"

    Mike Kirkup

    Chief Technology Officer @ EnPowered
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    | Sports

    "In the last two months, we’ve been able to produce four applications that amount to $100,000 in terms of return on operation, so real efficiency gains."

    Ben Levicki

    AI Solutions Architect @ Cleveland Cavaliers